Section 10 Consultation

We are delighted that the Laurus Trust has been selected to operate the new Crown Street Primary School, opening in September 2024. Before the school can open, we are required by law to inform the local community of our plans and allow you to respond to them. This is called a “Section 10” public consultation.

Artwork drawing of Crown Street Primary School

The Section 10 Consultation took place from Monday 5th June to Sunday 16th July 2023. We would like to thank everyone who completed the questionnaire, shared their thoughts and attended our information events. You can view the Section 10 consultation report here.

Next steps

The Trust will now begin the process of signing a Funding Agreement for Crown Street Primary School with the Secretary of State for Education.

Admissions for places at the school in September 2024 will commence in August 2023. For more information please visit the Admissions page.